Update of Registrant's Identification Details Sample Letter for organization

Update of Registrant's Identification Details

The letter to RU-CENTER from the Registrant

Organization _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                          (full name of legal entity)

requests you to change the following data in form ____________/NIC-D

from _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                (current form field item)

                (correct form field item)

due to ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                (please, specify the reason)

Copies of documents supporting the changes are attached hereto.

                (company's namen)

hereby agrees that RU-CENTER is fully entitled, at his sole discretion, to modify the registration data filled by our company, provided RU-CENTER has motivated reasons therefore, including, but not limited to:

  • information confirming invalidity of these registration data;
  • information certificating other company's rights for the domain (other services).


 _____________/  ________________
(job title)   (signature/surname, name)

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