Notarized online transfer application for legal entities

To RU-CENTER Director


(full name of organization)



(name, surname)


(name, surname)

(position: Director, Rector, CEO, etc.)

(full name of organization, PSRN, TIN)

Acting on the basis of___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________,

hereby delegate RU-CENTER the power to effect technical execution of the notifications under the policy of RU-CENTER published on its web-site, based on my electronic notifications for registrant's change with respect to the domains registered in the name of

(full name of organization)

under ___________/NIC-D.

(name, surname)



Mobile phone number:

                              (phone number in international format)

Representative's identity has been established, the powers verified
(Notary's witness signature)
(signature interpretation)

The application does not require notarization unless the registrant personally delivers it to the office. In this case passport would be enough.


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