Cookies and published websites

A cookie is a small text file provided to you by a website you visited which is used to identify you on the website. Cookies are used to make it more convenient for you to navigate through various pages of the website or visit it later.

Published websites will use cookies for:

  • Google Analytics
  • Other analytics services measuring the performance of the server and the system hosting the website
  • Tracking cart contents if you use our ecommerce app
  • Launching the cookie warning popup (if enabled)
  • Linking to a favicon, in certain cases
  • Other cookies may be added when the website owner changes the website to third-party products.

Published websites can use Google Analytics to analyze how users interact with the website. Google Analytics cookies collect standard information in the online log, as well anonymous visitor behavior data. The information about your use of the website (including the IP address), generated by the cookie, is sent to Google. This information is then used to evaluate the visitor’s use of the website and compile statistical reports on the website’s activities for the website owner.

We will never use (or allow any third party to use) the statistical analytics tool to track or collect any personally identifiable information (PII) of our website visitors. Google will not link your IP address to other data held by Google. Neither we nor Google will contact or attempt to contact the IP address with the user ID of the computer. We will not associate any data collected from this website with any personally identifiable information from any source, unless you explicitly provide this information through the filling form on our website.

You can enable or disable cookies in your web browser settings. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies by default, but you can change your browser settings to be able to decline cookies. If you decline cookies by changing your browser settings, please be aware that this action may disable some features on our website.

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