3 December | Launch of Registrations in .WORLD, .DELIVERY, and .ENERGY TLDs

On December 3, 2014 RU-CENTER launches application process for Sunrise, Landrush and General Availability phases for .WORLD, .DELIVERY, .ENERGY domain registrations.

.WORLD is a multi-purpose and diversified top-level domain. It may contain interstate associations, prominent and global brands, transnational corporations, international organizations, travel agencies and companies tending to gain new markets or promote innovative ideas.

.DELIVERY top-level domain is focused on courier services, transport companies, carriers, service order, storage and delivery providers.

.ENERGY top-level domain is perfect for web resources dedicated to various types of energy, sources and methods of its production, energy producers’ websites, projects in the energy sector and related areas.

Sunrise domain name registration in these TLDs is open solely for the owners of trademarks, included in the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH).

Sunrise domain name applications are accepted:

  • till January 3, 2015 - in .WORLD TLD
  • till January 31, 2015 - in .DELIVERY and .ENERGY TLDs

Sunrise applications in the above domains will be accepted throughout the whole period and will be reviewed upon its completion. If two or more applications are submitted for the same domain name, then Donuts Inc., administrator of these TLDs, will hold a private auction among the applicants. If the registry refuses to register a domain name, the applicant will get a refund for the registration fee, but the fee for application submission will not be refunded.

Due to the launch of the top-level domains the Addenda to the Multiple Services Contract will be modified accordingly.

Sunrise Registration Schedule under New gTLD Program (Schedule 1/30-1 to the Multiple Services Contract)

Landrush and General Availability Registration Schedule under New gTLD Program (Schedule 1/30-2 to the Multiple Services Contract)

Pricing for domain name services under New gTLD Program (Addendum 1 to the  Schedule 1/30-1)

Launch Dates of Domain Name Registration Periods Under the New gTLD Program (Addendum 1 to the  Schedule 1/30-2)

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