13 February | Schedule Changes

From February 24, 2012, due to changes pertaining to Registrar's actions for possible service suspension, the schedules for third-level domains (i.e., MSK.RU, SPB.RU, COM.RU, etc.) will be modified.

A new version of the Third-Level Domains Registration Schedule provides that the Contractor is entitled to stop third-level domain-s delegation immediately in order to preclude illegal activity or another activity causing damage to third parties, including distribution and advertising of obscene materials, appeals for violence, extremist activities, appeals for overthrowing of government, etc. Besides, the Registrar can immediately stop delegating domains that are used for any activities counter the public interest or the principles of humanity and morality, or offending the human dignity or religious feelings, etc.

In doing so, the Registrar is entitled to estimate in its sole discretion the Administrator's activity with regard to infringement of the legislation, including the cases when the definition of such activities is not fixed by statutory acts. E.g., definition of pornographic materials is published on the Registrar's website: https://www.nic.ru/dns/service/hosting/en/moral_standards.html

Terms of Use now include a provision forbidding the User to publish any information or software prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and/or violating any rights of third parties.

These modifications are caused by the fact that recently a few users were abusing the rules of domain registration in third-level domains and registering domains with a clear intention of publishing illegal content.

Due to the above, the following documents will be modified:

Third-level Domains Registration Schedule

Terms of Use

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