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Changes in RU-CENTER policies

From May 14, 2024, individuals and individual entrepreneurs will be able to complete contract identification via Gosuslugi. It is one of the options for hosting owner identification, which will keep the hosting operational, keep the contract data up-to-date easily and securely, and allow to sign into a personal account via Gosuslugi.

RU-CENTER will use the information received from the Unified Identification and Authentication System only for the purposes of customer identification. An infrastructure with certified equipment and security features has been deployed to handle the data in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data".

More details

Due to the changes, new versions of the following documents will come into effect:

Service Agreement

The Service Agreement for individuals

The Service Agreement for legal entities

Addendum 4: General provisions

Multiple Services Contract

The Multiple Services Contract for individuals

The Multiple Services Contract for legal entities
