
Re-issue of a certificate issued via Rucenter is possible in the following cases:

  • software has been changed on the server
  • private key has been lost or compromised
  • access password to private key has been lost

In this case the certificate being re-issued should be valid and all data on your company should remain unchanged.

The following shall be done prior to certificate re-issue:

Free re-issue of certificate can be done three times during its full validity period. If the number of re-issues exceeds the limit, it shall be necessary to order a new certificate.

The information indicated in the order is sent for processing to Certification Auothority. Check of the submitted data may take some time.

After the information is checked the Certification Authority re-issues the certificate. In this case a notification with a link to "Manage your account" page (where the subject certificate can be obtained) will be sent to e-mail address indicated in the order for re-issue.

After the certificate has been obtained:

Installation of SSL Certificate on Rucenter Hosting
Installation of IIS SSL certificate to Apache
Installation of IIS SSL certificate to Microsoft IIS 5.x / 6.x
Installation of IIS SSL certificate to Microsoft IIS 7.x

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