Other complaints about domain names

Should you have any questions regarding Rucenter's support team operation or services, please contact the company's Quality Assurance Unit by email: feedback@nic.ru.

Complaints on service provision to you under the Service Agreement or Multiple Services Contract are reviewed in accordance with Clause 2.1. of the respective agreement.

Questions and abuse reports regarding domain names controlled by a third-party registrant should be addressed directly to such registrant (publicly available information about registrants and domain names can be obtained via Whois service). If the issue cannot be resolved with the registrant, besides law-enforcement and judicial authorities, you are also entitled to contact the domain name registrar* (the Registrar Abuse Contact field in Whois results; for example, if Rucenter is the registrar, use e-mail tld-abuse@nic.ru or a phone number +7 (495) 9944601).

Contact information about domain name registrars accredited in the .RU and .РФ top-level domains is published on the website of Coordination Center for TLD RU at https://cctld.ru/domains/reg/. In addition to contacting registrars, we recommend filing requests with competent organizations. More details: https://cctld.ru/help/safety/.

Contact details of registrars accredited in the .SU TLD are published on the website of the Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development at http://www.fid.su/su/registrators. In addition to contacting registrars, we recommend filing requests with competent organizations. More details: http://www.fid.su/su/antiabuse.

Rucenter ensures 24/7 receipt, recording, and tracking of abuse reports, claims, and questions received via contact email addresses. If the registrar deems a claim substantiated, reasonable, and complete, it will review it within 24 hours. The registrar reserves the right to extend the timeframe for settling abuse reports, claims, and questions if additional information is required from a claimant or third parties. Claims arising out of the provision of services are settled in the manner stipulated in the agreement. Rucenter's responses are sent to the claimant in a reply to the original message, unless otherwise indicated in the claim.

* Except for .RU, .РФ, and .SU domain names.

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