New gTLD launching procedure

Registration periods:

  1. Sunrise
  2. Landrush
  3. General availability

Sunrise registration period 

New gTLDs Sunrise period is open for owners of trademarks included in Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). They should:

1. Submit trademark data into TMCH and obtain SMD file.

The validation process may last for up to 20 days.
Service cost is 28 990 rubles a year.

Submit trademark data into TMCH

2. Submit an order for a domain name during the Sunrise registration period. Upload SMD file to confirm trademark rights.

Submit order

3. The domain name will be registered when the Sunrise period is over. A notification of this will be sent to your e-mail address specified in the Service Agreement.


Sunrise Registration Schedule under New gTLD Program
Pricing for domain name services under New gTLD Program

Landrush registration period

Landrush — is a Landrush registration period of new domains available at a higher price. For the Landrush period no additional requirements to trademarks registration are made. Anyone may register domains in this period..

General availability

General availability — is a period for domains registration available to anyone at a standard price for a given TLD.


New gTLD registration rules
.САЙТ and .ОНЛАЙН domains registration rules

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