Funds Allocation and Withdrawal Procedure

Each service agreement is executed under its personal account. The personal account specifies the cost of the services delivered and Customer's payments (including taxes). All the Customer's account related details can be viewed in personal account.

The funds allocated to the personal account, can be spent on:

  • service renewal;
  • new services payments.

Funds Allocation Priorities for Service Delivery

  • Service renewal has a higher priority than new service orders in terms of funds allocation or withdrawal. If there are two or more services with pending renewal, the one with the closest expiration date will be paid on a first-priority basis.

  • The services with pending renewal that the Customer agrees to pay ahead of schedule, have a higher priority when the funds are allocated to or withdrawn from the personal account. If there are two or more such services, the one with the closest expiration date will be paid on a first-priority basis.

  • If there are no services with pending renewal, the funds that are not allocated will be withdrawn to pay for new services. The order that was received in the first place will be paid for on a first-priority basis.
    The customer can change the sequence of payments (and order execution) (Personal account → Orders → Orders priority).

    Note: if the Customer changed the sequence of new orders execution, then they will be executed in the specified order, that is: if there are not enough funds on the personal account to pay for an order that is placed in the first place at Customer's will the following orders will not be executed, even if there is enough money therefor.

Funds Allocation and Withdrawal for Different Services Renewal

  • To pay for all services (except for domain registration services in NET, COM, ORG, BIZ, INFO TLDs sponsored by DomainPeople), the funds are allocated to the personal account 8 days before service expiration. During that period the Customer can release the funds himself/herself, i.e. cancel service renewal (Personal account → Operations → Renew services), or give his/her consent for service renewal. If there is no refusal to renew the service, the funds from the personal account will be withdrawn one day before service expiration.

  • To pay for domain registration services in NET, COM, ORG, BIZ, INFO TLDs sponsored by DomainPeople, the funds are allocated to the personal account 37 days before service expiration. During that period the Customer can release the funds himself/herself, i.e. cancel service renewal (Personal account → Operations → Renew services), or give his/her consent for service renewal. If there is no refusal to renew the service, the funds from the personal account will be withdrawn 30 days before domain registration expiration.

Prepayment for Service Renewal

The Сustomer may initiate allocation and debiting of funds to pay for service renewal prior to the specified dates:

  • for domain registration services in worldwide domains - depending on the domain zone;
  • for domain registration services in Russian domain zones, international zones (NET, COM, ORG, etc.), and SSL - at any time during two months prior to service expiration;
  • for other services (hosting, DNS) - premature renewal is not available.

To renew a service ahead of schedule, a customer should confirm his/her consent for service renewal in Personal account → Operations → Renew services. If a Customer agrees to renew the service in advance, the funds for service renewal will be allocated to and withdrawn from the personal account as soon as the Customer's consent is confirmed.

The services to be paid for by the Customer in advance have a higher priority in terms of funds allocation and withdrawal from the personal account.

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