Domain Store

Domain Store is a marketplace for selling and buying domain names. We ensure that sellers get money and buyers receive domain rights.

If you want to sell a domain name

Selling a domain in the store is a quick and easy way to find a buyer. Using the web interface of your personal account, you can:

  • put domains up for sale and set the price;
  • negotiate the price with the buyer;
  • receive money when domains are sold.

If you have already found a buyer, the store will help you conduct a secure private transaction. You will be able to give the buyer a secret link to the offer page, without putting the domain on the online storefront.

To sell domains in the store, you need to execute an original application for the online transfer of domain rights and deliver it to Rucenter office, just once.

If you want to buy a domain name

The store allows you to buy domains from trusted sellers — Rucenter customers. Choose a domain name:

  • in the Domain Store catalog, with more than 80,000 domains available;
  • using the domain search tool — just type a domain name and domains available for registration will be displayed. Domains that are put up for sale in the store are marked with  

What domains are sold in the Domain Store?

The store features more than 400 top-level domains:

  • Russian TLDs: .ru, .su, .рф, geodomains, third-level domains,, and many more;
  • gTLDs and foreign ccTLDs: .com, .net, .org, .me, and many more;
  • theme-based TLDs: .рус, .xyz, .москва, .moscow, .ooo, .bar, and many more;
  • premium domains — eye-catching domain names;
  • the list of all TLDs in which you can buy domain names in the store.

Advantages of Rucenter's Domain Store

  • Guaranteed deal transparency: The seller will receive money only after the ownership right is transferred to the buyer.
  • Wide range of domain names: in Rucenter's Domain Store you can sell and buy domains sponsored by other registrars.
  • Flexible search mechanism: in addition to the placement of domain names for sale in the store catalog, they are offered in domain search results on when searching for a similar domain name.

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