Domain Redirection Setting

Any service reconfigurations are available in your personal account in your personal account in the Review and update data on services section.

Redirection may be enabled for the domain, its subdomains, as well as set up to ten redirection individual rules for specific subdomains.

The following parameters may be indicated in each redirection rule:

  • Subdomain name for which the rule is set;
  • Type of redirection;
  • Redirection address;
  • "With path retention" option

Subdomain Name

The subdomain from which redirection will be made should be indicated.

You may indicate:

  • Subdomain name subject to redirection.
    The number of nesting levels is unlimited, but the length of record with the dots shall not exceed 63 characters;
  • "*" (star), if a general redirection rule should be set.
    This rule will be valid for any subdomains, for which individual rules are set.

Redirection Address

URL of the page, where a visitor will be redirected to.

Type of Redirection

You may select one of the below redirection methods:

Temporary or permanent redirect

  • Temporary redirect (code 302) means that page redirection is determined by temporary phenomena.
  • Permanent redirect (code 301) means that the page address has been permanently changed.

With such redirection methods in place a visitor can see URL of the page to where redirection was made.

Frame Masking

With such redirection method in place a web-page will be located within the frame. For all click-throughs made within this frame the visitors will see the domain name, from which redirection was made. The text specified by you in settings of redirection rules will be displayed as a page title.

If you selected frame masking, the following two moments should be accounted for:

  • When placing links inside your web-page to other resources, the link tag should include record target=_top. Otherwise, a foreign web-page may be opened inside your frame and a visitor will see your domain name in URL window. The example of correct link for this case:

    <a href="" target="_top">RU-CENTER</a>
  • Though hidden in the URL string, the true address of the web-page, to which redirection was made, can be easily traced by any visitor.

"With path retention" option

If an attempt is made to address the page located under the domain, for which the rule is composed, redirection will be made to the redirection address, to which the path to this page will be added.

If redirection address is set as:, and redirection rule has been composed for domain, when addressing page the visitor will be redirected to

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